by Jenna
Posted on 27-08-2020 02:45 AM
"chief magistrate" is also used as a generic term in english for the various offices in the role of head of state of the various swiss (confederal) cantons, with such styles as landamman. Colonial functions and titles[ edit ]
the cayman islands were part of the english, and later british, empire since 18 july 1670. Initially part of jamaica , they were proclaimed a crown colony on 4 july 1959, this colony receiving its own administrator and eventually a governor. When the first permanent settlements were established, circa 1734, the highest colonial authority was styled chief magistrate. There were eight holders of the position until 1898, when the new post of commissioner was created.
United states[ edit ] magistrates are somewhat less common in the united states than in europe, but the position does exist in some state jurisdictions and in federal courts. The term " best gift for magistrate magistrate coffee mug best gifts for your magistrate " is often used (chiefly in judicial opinions) as a generic term for any independent judge who is capable of issuing warrants , reviewing arrests , etc. When used in this way, it does not denote a judge with a particular office. Instead, it denotes (somewhat circularly) a judge or judicial officer who is capable of hearing and deciding a particular matter. That capability is defined by state statute or by common law. In virginia , for example, the constitution of 1971 created the office of magistrate to replace the use in cities and counties of the justice of the peace , which is common in many states for this function.
A gift ideas for a magistrate mug gifts magistrate magistrate gifts ideas is appointed based on the recommendations of a citizen’s merit screening committee and a majority vote by all the active district judges in that district. Like other judges, before they can even be considered for appointment, a magistrate must have a law degree, including a four-year undergraduate degree and three years at an accredited law school. Because it’s a recommended and appointed position, it’s important to stay active in the judicial sphere, keeping your law degree current. Becoming part of judicial organizations, such as the federal judicial center and the national judicial college, can also give you the legitimacy to move into a gift idea for magistrate funny magistrate mug gift ideas magistrate position.
1350–1400; middle english magistrat
The terms ‘judges’ and ‘magistrates’ are often assumed to interchangeable, but this is not the case. Both the titles have two different meanings and refer to two very different positions. The two words defer in terms of power; each person has a different amount of authority and power bestowed upon them.
To appeal a magistrates court decision, you need to seek the supreme court’s leave to appeal. In other words, you need the court’s permission to appeal the magistrates court decision. An appeal to the supreme court is not a new trial or a re-hearing of your case. An appeal from the magistrates court to the supreme court is limited to an appeal on what is known as ‘a question of law’. This means that you can appeal the magistrates court decision only if you believe that the magistrate made a mistake in the way it applied the law to your case.
Thesaurusantonymsrelated wordssynonymslegend: noun magistrate - a lay judge or civil authority who administers the law (especially one who conducts a court dealing with minor offenses) judge , jurist , justice - a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice justice of the peace - a local magistrate with limited powers.
A judicial magistrates first class , and
an executive magistrates [including dm, adms, sdms]
1. The chief judicial magistrate [cjm] (including additional chief judicial magistrates. ) cjms hear all types of criminal cases. All magistrates' courts are controlled by the cjm. The cjm looks over the work of judicial magistrates, but cannot take any action against them.
The cjm can only report the misbehavior of judicial magistrates to the high court. A court of chief judicial magistrates can sentence a person to jail up to seven years and impose fines of up to any amount. The cjm is the most senior among all magistrates in their district.
In a sub-division, the judicial magistrate of the first class may be designated as the sub-divisional judicial magistrate. Such magistrate shall be subordinate to the chief judicial magistrate and will thus work under its control. Further, the sub-divisional judicial magistrate shall control and supervise the work of the judicial magistrates (except the additional cjm) in that subdivision.
According to section 14 , the chief judicial magistrate shall define the local limits of the areas within which the magistrates appointed under section 11 or under section 13 may exercise all or any of the powers with which they may be vested under this code. The special judicial magistrate may hold its sitting at any place within the local area for which it is established.
Magistrates are supervised by the office of the executive secretary of the supreme court of virginia. The commonwealth is divided into eight magisterial regions, which are comprised of anywhere from 3 to 5 judicial districts. Each district has a chief magistrate who supervises the magistrates who serve in that district. A magistrate supervisor sits at the regional level to provide support and supervision to the chief magistrates in their districts. The system-wide magistrate system is administered by a magistrate system coordinator with the assistance of the eight regional supervisors.
Magistrate means a minor judicial officer, who administers the law in a particular area, i. E. District or town. He/she is someone who hears the civil or criminal cases and passes judgement. The types of magistrate are: judicial magistrate: after consultation with the high court, the state government may notify the number of courts of judicial magistrates of the first class and second class in every district. The judicial magistrate is subordinate to the chief judicial magistrate and governed by the session judge.
Preliminary provisions (ss 1-2) 1. Short title this act may be cited as the magistrates' courts act. 2. Interpretation in this act, unless the context requires otherwise– "appropriate judicial authority" means the chief justice and any person appointed by the chief justice under section 15 to be, or to perform the functions of, the appropriate judicial authority for the relevant purpose;.
A judge that hears and rules on minor offenses
examples of magistrate in a sentence
as a local magistrate, the judge’s power over state issues was limited. 🔊
minor cases were assigned to be presided over by the magistrate. 🔊
in his courtroom, the magistrate heard a series of civil cases. 🔊
the magistrate presided over traffic court in several different parishes.
News, national a man who was indecently assaulted as a teenager by a nsw magistrate has told a court that graeme curran's physical acts were impossible to forget and his manipulation "crippling". In a victim impact statement read to the nsw district court, the man said he had been subjected to significant emotional trauma and his life had been "stunted and twisted by a perverse sense of guilt and confusion" curran, now 69, was in april found guilty of seven charges after denying nine counts of indecently assaulting the boy in the 1980s. The jury cleared him of the other two charges. His victim told curran's sentence hearing on friday he was "revolted and sickened" when recounting the impact the magistrate's crimes had on him. "while the physical acts have been impossible to forget, graeme curran's psychological manipulation of me proved crippling, " he said. "the stories and lies that were made to keep me silent, and the resulting emotional breakdowns of my late childhood, left me with a chronic sense of helplessness, changing the direction of my life monumentally. " during curran's trial, the jury heard he took advantage of the boy, whose father had earlier died, after grooming him with presents, sailing trips and holidays to europe. He purchased the boy's mother and stepfather a new car and paid off some of their debts. Curran would go on to sleep naked with the boy - whom he called his "little chicken" - and would perform a "ritual" on him each saturday morning which involved massaging him and touching his penis, the jury heard. Four of the assaults occurred during a three-day sailing holiday. His victim on friday said his life since had been an emotional rollercoaster and at times he'd been so depressed he walked down the street crying in front of strangers. "the effects of the abuse stopped me from living the normal, productive, successful life i otherwise would have led," he said. Curran's barrister argued the sentencing judge should find there were "special circumstances" given his client was facing his only stint in custody at 69 years old when he wasn't in perfect health and would be held in restrictive conditions. Phillip boulten sc asked the judge set a sentence which gave "real effect to the fact that this was such an uncharacteristic period of his life". Curran was sworn in as a magistrate in 2002 but was suspended after being charged in november 2017. The nsw chief magistrate's office previously said he would remain suspended until all criminal proceedings had concluded. Curran will be sentenced at a later date. Australian associated press.
The bay islands , settled by the british in 1827, were claimed by britain until 1860 as well as by their ultimate owner honduras. Britain appointed two consecutive chief magistrates (william fitzgibbon [acting] in 1850, and john james hall, 1850-1852) before declaring the islands a crown colony under the governor of jamaica, represented locally by two consecutive presiding magistrates: charles henry johnes cuyler, 1852-1855, and alexander wilson moir, 1855-1860.
In december 1832, the port cresson colony was founded by the black quakers of the new york and pennsylvania colonization societies. After it was destroyed by bassa natives in june 1835, it was reestablished the following month as bassa cove colony , which in 1837 annexed the edina settlement, also formed by the new york and pennsylvania colonization societies. Until its 1 april 1839 incorporation into liberia , its de facto governors were styled chief magistrate.
(5) that the magistrates used their powers sometimes to raise wages, sometimes to force them down. Each of the magisterial districts (of which, as has been said, there must be at least three and not more than ten in each county) elects one or two magistrates and constables, and a board of education of three members.
The seaport of leith, though a distinct burgh, governed by its own magistrates, and electing its own representative to parliament, has also on its southern side become practically united to its great neighbour. It was, as might be looked for, commonly filled by members of distinguished families, descendants of ancient magistrates, who were already beginning to be looked on as noble.
References to the u. S. Presidency[ edit ] references to the president of the united states as "chief magistrate" were common in the early years of u. S. Existence, although use of the term is rare today. In 1793, george washington described himself as his country's "chief magistrate" in his second inaugural address. In 1800, alexander hamilton wrote in a private letter to aaron burr , later published by burr with his permission, that he considered john adams "unfit for the office of chief magistrate. " james monroe told the 18th congress, shortly before leaving office in a house report dated february 21, 1825, "by the duties of this office, the great interests of the nation are placed, in their most important branches, under the care of the chief magistrate. " abraham lincoln referred to the president as chief magistrate in his first inaugural address in 1861. In 1908, woodrow wilson remarked, "men of ordinary physique and discretion cannot be presidents and live, if the strain cannot be somehow relieved. We shall be obliged to always be picking our chief magistrates from among wise and prudent athletes, a small class. " wilson was himself elected president four years later.
British lord protector[ edit ] in the british interregnum and during the existence of the commonwealth of england, scotland and ireland , the lord protector was referred to as 'chief magistrate' in the state's two major constitutional documents: the instrument of government (1653) and the humble petition and advice (1657). Judicial chief magistrates[ edit ].
Magistrates are trained, unpaid members of their local community, who work part-time and deal with less serious criminal cases, such as minor theft, criminal damage, public disorder and motoring offences. Learn more about the role of magistrates on our magistrates page. Or for a specific court, see below. Magistrates in the criminal court.
As a serving magistrate in england and wales you must have the ability to understand documents, identify and comprehend relevant facts and follow evidence and arguments. You will also need an ability to concentrate and communicate effectively with the different people within the courtroom. There will be a court legal advisor who will advise you on legal matters pertaining to the case you are hearing. With regards to sentencing you will have to learn and follow the sentencing guidelines.
Overview these are the oldest courts in the land and have existed, in one way or another, since the 14th century. They deal with all summary only offences and some (less serious) either way offences. Almost all cases start in the magistrates’ court, no matter what the seriousness—the more serious ones will be ‘sent’ to the crown court.
The forms of address for judges vary from court to court, and some of them can seem quite archaic in the modern world. Standard family cases are heard in the county court or a magistrates court, and will either be heard by a district judge, circuit judge or magistrates. Your case will be allocated by the court to a particular level of judge when your application is issued. You can read more about each kind of judge here.
A magistrate can be any number of things; magistrate judges in federal court, for example, are judges who preside over procedural and discovery issues during a federal lawsuit and report their conclusions and recommendations to the district judge. A magistrate may also be any other government official appointed by statute with a limited role. If you want to write to a magistrate judge, use a formal letter-writing format and make sure to address the judge properly.
Type the judge's name (which should be "honorable , magistrate judge), the court name and the court address below the date at the top of the letter. Next, type "re:" and after that, your case name, such as john doe v. Jane q. Public, and the case number. Below that, type "dear judge :" and then add another space below it before starting the body of the letter.
Close the letter by typing "respectfully submitted," and skip three lines. Type your full name. Print the letter and sign above your typed name. Address the envelope to "the honorable (full name), magistrate judge," followed by the name of the court and the court's address. You must send a copy to all other parties to the lawsuit.
To write a letter to a magistrate judge, address the letter to her at the courthouse, using the judicial honorific, which is "honorable , magistrate judge. " open the letter the "dear judge :" and close it with "respectfully submitted," rather than "sincerely" or something similar.
Call the magistrate “your honor†when you're directly addressing them. When the magistrate addresses you and calls on you to speak, stand and refer to them as “your honor†in your statement or your answer to their question. If the magistrate asks you a yes or no question, answer their question with “yes, (or no) your honor. †x research source.
A magistrate is a judge with a federal jurisdiction, or a smaller jurisdiction of a community or county. What powers the magistrate has depends on the district, but many try both civil and criminal matters. Writing to a magistrate is confusing because you may not be aware of what the title means or how to address the letter. If the magistrate is in charge of your case, you also might be nervous about saying the wrong thing or creating a negative impression of yourself. However, with some planning and research, you can write an intelligent, well-thought-out letter.
You have been asked to write a character reference for someone going to court because this person has broken the law. A character reference is a letter and includes your opinion of this person. The magistrate or judge will read the character reference before deciding what penalty to give. The reference will be more helpful if you have known the person for a long time or you have had lots of contact with them. You must also be of good character and not have been in serious trouble with the police before.
Write the reference like a letter. Type it up and put it on a letterhead if you have one. Tips put the date at the top of the reference. For cases being heard in the magistrates’ court, address the reference to ‘the presiding magistrate, [court location]’. For cases in the county or supreme court, address it to ‘the presiding judge’.
In an emergency and upon the concurrence of the chief judges of the districts involved, a united states magistrate judge may be temporarily assigned to perform any of the duties specified in subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this section in a judicial district other than the judicial district for which he has been appointed. No magistrate judge shall perform any of such duties in a district to which he has been temporarily assigned until an order has been issued by the chief judge of such district specifying (1) the emergency by reason of which he has been transferred, (2) the duration of his assignment, and (3) the duties which he is authorized to perform. A magistrate judge so assigned shall not be entitled to additional compensation but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his duties in accordance with section 635.
District court judges are nominated by the president and confirmed by the united states senate, as stated in article iii of the u. S. Constitution. Article iii of the constitution states that these judicial officers are appointed for a life term. The names of potential nominees often are recommended by senators or sometimes members of the house who are of the president's political party. The senate judiciary committee typically conducts confirmation hearings for each nominee, and the vote for confirmation is presented to the entire senate.
The current magistrate judge system was begun by congress in 1968 expanding on the 175 year old united states commissioner system. In 2002, in addition to the 486 full-time magistrate judge positions authorized there were 51 part-time judges and 3 combination clerk of court/magistrate judges who serve four year terms.
A united states magistrate judge who has retired may, upon the consent of the chief judge of the district involved, be recalled to serve as a magistrate judge in any judicial district by the judicial council of the circuit within which such district is located. Upon recall, a magistrate judge may receive a salary for such service in accordance with regulations promulgated by the judicial conference, subject to the restrictions on the payment of an annuity set forth in section 377 of this title or in subchapter iii of chapter 83, and chapter 84, of title 5 which are applicable to such magistrate judge. The requirements set forth in subsections (a), (b)(3), and (d) of section 631, and paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of such section to the extent such paragraph requires membership of the bar of the location in which an individual is to serve as a magistrate judge, shall not apply to the recall of a retired magistrate judge under this subsection or section 375 of this title. Any other requirement set forth in section 631(b) shall apply to the recall of a retired magistrate judge under this subsection or section 375 of this title unless such retired magistrate judge met such requirement upon appointment or reappointment as a magistrate judge under section 631.
In order to protect its citizens and their rights, the united states judicial system has many levels of judges. From the supreme court all the way down to local town and municipal courts, judges interpret the law of the land. In 1968, congress created the magistrate position to replace the former u. S. Commissioners and provide another judge at the district level. A magistrate is an appointed position, similar to a judge, but with their own duties and magistrate job description.
The entire territory of india consists of states and section 7 of the code states that “the basic territorial divisions of the state are the districts and the sessions divisionsâ€. Considering the special needs of big cities like bombay, calcutta, madras, etc. The code has recognised them as metropolitan areas and each such area shall be considered as a separate sessions division and district. According to this territorial demarcation, the criminal courts of india include the supreme court of india, high courts, court of session in every session division and courts of judicial magistrates in every district.
Once appointed, a magistrate serves an eight-year term. Magistrates typically work full-time, but there are numerous part-time magistrates throughout the country. They can work all over the united states, in any of the 94 district courts located throughout the country. Based on the magistrate definition and job duties, all work in a courtroom setting.
A magistrate judge may handle some preliminary and post-judgment matters in civil cases under ducivr 72-2(a) and ducrimr 57-15. These matters, such as civil case scheduling conferences and supplemental and collection proceedings and criminal case initial appearances and detention hearings, do not require a reference. 28 u. S. C. § 636 (a) provides that magistrate judges have limited inherent powers including issuance of orders of release or detention of persons pending trial, entry of sentence for a petty offense or for a class a misdemeanor in a case in which the parties have consented; administration of oaths and affirmations, and taking acknowledgements, affidavits, and depositions.
United states district court for the middle district of alabama: what is a magistrate judge? federal judicial center: u. S. Magistrates united states district court district of utah: q&as about magistrate judges u. S. Bureau of labor statistics: judges and hearing officers federal bar association: a guide to the federal magistrate system federal judicial center: judicial salaries.
International employment policies if you are not a frequent flyer in federal court, you may not be familiar with how magistrate judges operate in that venue. This post provides a general overview of the differences between district court judges and magistrate judges, as well as insight into appearing before a magistrate judge by consent.
If your case is initially assigned to a magistrate judge, you know who is going to adjudicate your case. If you don’t consent, you will “roll the dice†on getting before a district court judge who may or may not be more favorable to your case. While all judges are well-qualified and capable, there may be strategy involved in such a decision.
Generally, consenting to jurisdiction before a magistrate judge is likely to mean your case is going to move quicker. For one, magistrate judges will never be handling felony criminal trials (not even by consent), so all those cases must be on an article iii judge’s docket. Felony criminal trials may take priority in the district court judge’s courtroom, meaning your civil trial date may be pushed back, or the ruling on your motion to dismiss or summary judgment motion may take longer. Because cases can already move very slowly in federal court, this may be a consideration.
Magistrate judges are well-qualified, good judges. And they are just that—federal judges, typically with vast experience. If you have consented to appear before a magistrate judge, show the judge due respect and know that you are in capable hands. Because of the generality of the information on this site, it may not apply to a given place, time, or set of facts. It is not intended to be legal advice, and should not be acted upon without specific legal advice based on particular situations.
Speedy trial rights in felony criminal cases require idaho's two district judges to give priority to trying those cases, sometimes requiring that civil trial dates be moved. Magistrate judges do not preside over felony criminal trials. As a result, magistrate judge's trial dockets are generally less crowded than those of the district judges.
Magistrate judges usually are able to provide earlier and firmer dates for both hearings and trials than might otherwise be possible by a district judge. Because this district is very busy and the criminal docket is growing rapidly, consenting to proceed before a magistrate judge often means your civil case will be resolved more quickly than if before a district judge.
In united states federal courts , magistrate judges are judges appointed to assist district court judges in the performance of their duties. Magistrate judges are authorized by 28 u. S. C. §631 et seq. The position of "magistrate judge" or " magistrate " also exists in some unrelated state courts (see below).
The judiciary is a constitutional body which protects the interests of citizens. This is the final authority which explains the legal matters and constitutional arrangements. It plays an important role in enacting laws and making decisions on disputes between citizens, states and other parties. Courts maintain law and order in the country to protect the rights. Judges are the heads of supreme court, high court and other subordinate courts. Judges are not equal to the magistrates; their powers are relatively less than the judge. The jurisdiction of a magistrate is usually a district or a city. Let's study about the difference between the judge and the magistrate through this article.